Milton Keynes Christian Foundation: Scandal Exposed!

Milton Keynes Exposed!
5 min readAug 22, 2021


Reverend Stephen Norrish MBE.
Abortion Facility
Milton Keynes Community Foundation

​​Get Thee Up; There’s Sin in your Christian Foundation Camp!

Have you lately read the book of Joshua? It remarkably represents the battle before us to rid Milton Keynes of child sacrifice, thus staying God’s Wrath from befalling our beloved Town and us. It’s a battle between fear, compromise and obedience to God’s commands.

Joshua, a type of Jesus who led by example from the frontline and refused ecumenical compromise, served God alone. Did Joshua wink at Achan’s sin in the camp? Nay! Joshua is both uncovering and destroying it! What about the Gibeonites? Did Joshua tolerate them carrying on their idolatries, fornications and child-killing? Certainly not! The Gibeonites had the protection of Joshua only when they repented and served Joshua’s God. If we are to lay claim to such safety in our Joshua: Jesus, we must continually search out sin in our camps and destroy it; there can be no tolerance! Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Sex Toys & Sodomy

Why, as Preacher of God’s Word and Director of Milton Keynes Christian Foundation, have you tolerated those whoremongers — Brook Young People Ltd? Instead, you’ve allowed Brook to turn your HQ, Foundation House, into a dispensary of gold-coloured condoms, abortion referrals and sexual pleasure advice on sodomy and blue-dildo sex toys! What concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

Blood Money

You also serve as a Trustee of Milton Keynes Community Foundation, facilitating the destruction of 1,756 unborn babies yearly. Monies received from destroying those made in the image of God make up in part the Grant Fund of the Community Foundation. Recently your Christian Foundation applied for and received a £4,520 blood money grant to fund an IT project. I pray God gives you repentance to return this ‘Achan’ money.

Christian Abortion Cafe

One of your sermons is titled Sin & Forgiveness. However, The Bible warns — Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Nowhere in The Bible does God advocate for Christians to work for Satan. There is no Biblical precedent to justify your Christian Foundation setting up an Abortion Cafe inside the Community Foundation, a modern-day child sacrifice centre. Ten thousand babies have been torn apart in that building since 2010 when I first raised my disgust at the unholy league between your Milton Keynes Christian Foundation, Milton Keynes Community Foundation and Brook. It is a disgrace that I must write nearly seven years later and beg you again to repent of mocking my Lord’s Holy Name.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

How many sex diseases are in our local congregations today because you’ve allowed Brook to teach children that fornication and sodomy are normal and acceptable? How many unborn babies sat in pews on Sunday before being aborted at your place of work on Tuesday because the Clergy lacked the faith to wield the sword of The Spirit like Joshua and preach — thou shalt not kill?

Local Clergy have told me for years that abortion is “complicated” and washed their hands from saving a life, just like Pontius Pilate did. Milton Keynes Community Foundation facilitates infanticide, but you and John Moffoot have taken active roles there! No Christian should have remained at Milton Keynes Community Foundation after 2010 when former CEO Julia Anne Upton MBE allowed children to be torn apart on site. Ian Revell her wicked replacement, allows the murders to continue. Year after year, those little bodies pile up, their innocent blood crying out to God for justice.

Churches in Milton Keynes are full of compromisers who tolerate women pastoring them; clergy telling them God is a woman and abortion necessary. Milton Keynes IS Canaan! Who’ll be our Joshua?!


On behalf of the 34 babies who lose their lives every week at your place of work, I urge you to end this slaughter without further delay. If CEO Ian Revell will not harken, then the Godly thing to do is resign in protest. Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.

Embracing Filth

Brook’s fornication and abortion referral Sessions must cease at your Christian Foundation to be replaced by Biblical lessons on purity. Such as the anus being for defecation and not sodomy or being licked by a fornicator’s tongue, as Brook teaches. It is a disgrace to write this to such a one!

The Christian Foundation’s Think Food Abortion Cafe inside the Milton Keynes Community Foundation needs to close.

How long halt ye between two opinions? Choose you this day whom ye will serve. There is sin in your camps Reverend; I pray you to heed God’s Word and get thee up; Christ before us, rescue the children!

Yours sincerely

UPDATE: August 2017

Rev. Stephen Norrish MBE announces the closure of his notorious ‘Abortion Cafe’. All Glory to God. Please read my full report here.

UPDATE: March 2021

Milton Keynes Christian Foundation applies for and receives yet another blood-money Grant from the abortion facilitators Milton Keynes Community Foundation, this time for £6,719.

